Reinforcement of spiritual wisdom in present-day youth is imperative and fundamental for their overall holistic development. Poojaniya Raseshwari Devi ji reached Rajasthan on 27th July for her spiritual tour. In her present tour, she devoted most of her time to the devotees associated with the centers of Braj Gopika Seva Mission operational in Rajasthan state. During an interaction session, she answered all the spiritual queries the seekers raised and explained the purpose of life to the youth. Reiterating the lines of Swami Vivekananda, Devi Ji asserted that the prosperity of human society is possible only when the twain, spiritualism, and materialism shall be in harmony. Emphasizing Para Vidya, she inspired all listeners to revive the spirit of universal brotherhood and supreme prosperity of living beings through imbibing the wisdom of Sanatan Vedic Dharma. During this tour, Devi ji laid the foundation stone of Braj Gopika Dham Society in Arvindnagar, North Sundarwas, Udaipur city which is centered on two primary functions. First, to make society aware of the ultimate happiness /goal of life and the means of its attainment, and second, to carry out the work of philanthropy with true spirits of selfless service.

On the closing day, in the presence of H.H Rasheswari Devi ji, Udaipur City Honorable Mayor Shri Govind Singh Tank and Honorable Deputy Mayor Shri Paras Singhvi Ji distributed school bags, water bottles, tiffin boxes, books on the stories of Saptrishis and other educational materials to the school children on behalf of the members of Braj Gopika Dham Society, Udaipur. The children welcomed the distinguished guests with a soul-inspiring recitation of Vedic shlokas.
राधे राधे राधे राधे श्री महाराज जी 🙇🏻♀️
राधे राधे माँ 🙇🏻♀️